Easton’s story beautifully illustrates the transformative impact of Variety’s My Voice® program. Watch his journey below and see how this vital assistive technology empowers Easton to share his unique voice with the world.

Empowering Variety Kids Through Communication

Imagine being unable to communicate verbally – how would this impact your daily life?

Many children with special needs face this barrier due to the lack of access to essential communication tools. While some kids have access to communication devices at school or speech therapy, they do not own the device and often are unable to take them home. At more than $1,000, many families cannot afford the costly device and the prescribed communication app.

In May 2023, Variety St. Louis launched a new, innovative program called My Voice® to address the frustration, isolation, and helplessness felt by those who are non-speaking.

By providing the tools for expression and self-advocacy at no cost to families, Variety empowers children and teens with independence at home, school, and in our community. In its first year alone, the program has been a resounding success, providing at least:

  • 103 My Voice® devices to children ages 3-20 years old.
  • 14 keyguards for easier access for children learning to isolate and select word options.
  • 1 switch to help activate a My Voice® device.

These devices have been distributed to children living in St. Louis City, St. Charles County and North St. Louis County. These efforts have been made possible through the generosity of DDR, DDRB, PLB, Ernst & Young, and Emerson.

Support Variety’s My Voice® program

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