For six weeks this summer, Variety Kids and Teens gathered online for an exciting and engaging Virtual Adventure and Teen Camp 2021. Through this virtual adventure, campers made crafts, played games, cooked snacks, sang songs, went on virtual field trips, and so much more, all while building friendships that are sure to last even after they have logged out.

During Week 1, the theme was “Animals.” Campers had the chance to make all sorts of animal friends during craft time and learned all about different critters. Week 2’s theme was “Magic,” during which participants talked about various myths and legends, and got to create their own dragons, monsters, dream catchers and more. “Nature” was the theme of Week 3, and campers learned more about our earth and how to take care of it through activities that included a bumblebee snack, a soda bottle greenhouse, and a bird feeder.

Week 4 featured a classic theme – “Camp!” During this week, campers got to make all sorts of traditional camp crafts and snacks, from kites to s’mores, and sang silly camp songs, among many other activities. “Under the Sea” was Week 5’s theme, and featured all sorts of fun games, crafts and snacks that involved learning about and creating sea creatures like jellyfish, sea horses and turtles. To wrap up the summer, Week 6 was all about “Space.” This theme was truly out of this world, giving campers a chance to pretend to be astronauts and explore the skies. Favorite activities included Fluffy Cloud Dough, Constellation Art, and Glow-in-the-Dark Paintings.
No matter the theme, however, one thing was certain – our campers had a blast! Parents shared tons of photos and notes thanking Variety and everyone involved with creating this year’s Virtual Camp experience.

“Allison has enjoyed virtual camp so much! You all have really done an amazing job. I can’t believe how effortless it is!” – Kelly, Allison’s mom
“Thank you for all you do, as surely virtual summer camp experiences like this don’t make themselves! You guys are the BEST!” – Felice, David’s mom
“Thank you to everyone who makes Variety Camp possible! Evelynn had so much fun with the other kids and counselors. She hasn’t had a lot of frequent interaction with children so this experience was great for her (even if the interaction was virtual).” – Jackie, Evelynn’s mom
“I just wanted to express my utmost gratitude (for) making Noah’s summer camp experience such a positive one. The programming is well thought out, fun, engaging and educational, too.” – Andrea, Noah’s mom
Thank you to all who helped us make Virtual Adventure and Teen Camp 2021 possible for these Variety Kids and Teens and so many more. Our special guests certainly added new elements of excitement to camp. Ride on St. Louis shared how to care for horses, World Bird Sanctuary made an interesting presentation on all sorts of different creatures, and Chef Bananas joined us for magic and hilarious fun.

And we couldn’t have made it happen without our fantastic donors, especially individuals and organizations with named endowments that ensure Adventure Camp can continue for years to come. Those with named endowments include the Centene Charitable Foundation, Marilyn Fox, Robert R. and Mary Lee Hermann, Douglas E. and Victoria D. Hill, Nevada A. Kent and Rita K. Kent, Noémi and Michael Neidorff, and David C. Pratt.