When you see 10-year-old Faith on stage, in the spelling bee, or on the court, it is hard to believe she was ever shy. But this dynamic Variety Kid has come a long way, transforming into a confident, compassionate, and unstoppable force.

Faith’s journey began with a life-altering moment when her mother, Melanie, learned at 20 weeks pregnant that her daughter had spina bifida. Just 5 weeks later, Faith underwent her first surgery—before she was even born.

By the time Faith was two and a half, she had already undergone seven surgeries. But neither her diagnosis nor these medical hurdles define her. Instead, it is Faith’s vibrant spirit and boundless love for life that truly shine. Today, she is thriving, embracing every opportunity to grow and achieve her dreams.

Faith participates in Variety St. Louis programs such as Camp, Theatre, Chorus, and Dance. These opportunities have allowed her to thrive, fostering confidence, independence, and social skills while forming meaningful, lasting friendships.

Connecting with peers who share similar experiences has been especially empowering for Faith, helping her feel a sense of belonging and understanding. Melanie shares,

Given Melanie’s background, it is no surprise that Faith developed a passion for the stage. In August 2024, she made her theatrical debut as Dory in Variety and COCA’s production of Disney’s Finding Nemo Jr.—her first audition and major role.

“She built so much self-confidence during camp and the performances,” Melanie notes. “That confidence now extends to school, where she stands up for herself and others.”

One memorable example? When a classmate claimed girls could not be president, Faith confidently spoke up to disagree. “A couple of years ago, she might have stayed quiet,” Melanie says. “Now, she’s unafraid to stand her ground and advocate for herself and others.”

Faith’s determination and belief in her abilities are clear in everything she does. She shines not only on stage but also as a spelling bee third place champion and a stellar athlete. With the Disabled Athlete Sports Association (DASA), Faith participates in wheelchair basketball, tennis, track & field, and swimming.

Faith’s incredible journey has been nurtured by the love and support of her family, the spina bifida community, and Variety St. Louis, which Melanie describes as an essential part of their support system.

“I wouldn’t be able to survive being a mom of a child with a disability without a village, and Variety is a big part of that,” Melanie explains.

Faith’s story is a testament to resilience, determination, and the power of community. She reminds us of all that with the right support, kids can overcome challenges and achieve incredible things. Faith isn’t just thriving—she’s inspiring everyone around her.


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